Thursday, November 21, 2019

Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Addiction - Essay Example For example, I have a cousin who is interested in knowing and trying drugs in order to understand what addiction means. He is a teacher who takes his students to know all about addiction. I am rigorously opposed to this view and my claim is that people do not have to understand what addiction means; they have to understand what it is going to happen if any kind of addiction becomes part of their lives. Two of the most essential readings on the topic of addiction are â€Å"The 10 Most Important Things Known about Addiction† by Doug Sellman and â€Å"Injecting Rooms Benefit All, Not Just Drug Users† by Robert Power. This paper makes a reflective summary of these two articles in order to bring out the major arguments of these authors about addiction and its consequences. One of the most fundamental articles on the question of addiction, Doug Sellman’s â€Å"The 10 Most Important Things Known about Addiction† offers a list of ten important things or facts abou t addiction. These ten essential facts about addiction have emerged over the last three or four decades and an understanding of these important things will fundamentally help the people in addiction treatment as well as general public. Bringing together a body of knowledge across multiple domains,

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