Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Homosexual Rights and Equality - 1242 Words

Equality of Homosexual Rights Most American politicians believe that everyone should be treated equally especially because it is stated in the United States Declaration of Independence. Our founding fathers wrote these words to protect all individuals. Those Americans who abide by the rules and who are upstanding citizens have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, Americans who are not the typical heterosexual are restricted from their rights even if they are faithful citizens. Gay and lesbian couples are discriminated against and unfairly treated because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination against gay and lesbian couples must be confronted so that those who are trustworthy citizens have†¦show more content†¦Hate crimes against homosexuals have been somewhat noticed by certain important individuals in the government. In the Executive Branch, President Obama signed the Hate Crime Prevention Act into law that protects a person’s identity in respect to their sexual orientation. Even though we are making progress, it is still a serious matter that has to be further addressed. Prejudicial thoughts of homosexuals have to be eradicated and furthermore forgotten to allow the acceptance. Hate crimes against homosexuals are still a serious issue and have led to the discrimination of lesbians and gays in the work force. (Hunt,2012) In the work place, there is an increasing percentage of lesbians and gays suffering from discrimination everyday. Due to their sexual orientation, some individuals are being fired and are receiving negative job evaluations. The Center for American Progress Action Fund states, â€Å"15 percent to 43 percent of gay and transgender workers have experienced some form of discrimination on the job† and â€Å"20 percent reported being harassed verbally or in writing on the job† (Hunt, 2012). The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that is currently waiting for the approval from Congress is trying to provide homosexuals protection against discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation. Since this act hasn’t been made an official law, lesbians and gays are being mistreated for the reason thatShow MoreRelatedEquality for All: Legal Rights for Homosexuals528 Words   |  2 Pagesthe rest of their lives. This leaves many homosexuals out to dry. Why canà ¢â‚¬â„¢t they have the same rights as everyone else in this country? Some of the time many gay couples have a hard time adopting a child because they â€Å"didn’t fit the right criteria to be adoptees†. And granted some couples really don’t meet the specifications: income, living environment, etc, but others do and get rejected due to being gay. Homosexuals deserve the same legal rights as everyone else. Marriage is concludedRead MoreGay Is the New Black in America1258 Words   |  5 PagesAfrican American community. At first glance, I felt how can the two be compared? So, I decided to give this article a read. The purpose of the article was to bring attention to the civil rights movement of today dealing with the homosexual community’s civil rights and how it compares to the historic civil rights movements made by the African American community from 1955-1968. In my mind as an African American, my pride was not allowing me to see the comparison for what it really was. African AmericansRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal909 Words   |  4 Pagesmarriage be legalized nationwide, or should it remain illegal? Thirty-five of our states have allowed equality, however sadly the rest are not progressing on the matter (CNN). This is a significant issue because of those involved in a homosexual relationship want the same rights and freedoms of marriage as those whom are convoluted in heterosexual relationships. Marriage equivalence is a constitutional right promised in the United States, however a dreadful quantity of citizens are still contending thatRead MoreDiscrimination Imposed Upon Minority Groups Throughout History1446 Words   |  6 Pagesbeen a dominant and commanding principle, regardless of the increasing pressure to shift the constructs and discourse surrounding the current illegitimacy of homosexual relationships. 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One side of the controversy argues that every individual deserves the same rights, while the opposing mindset argues that beingRead MoreGay Marriage And Equality : An Ethical Issue1289 Words   |  6 PagesGay marriage and equality is an ethical issue that has been debated for years. This is an issue that will continue to be debated until a clear answer as to why it is not socially acceptable is determined. A deontological view has been traditionally applied to the subject of gay marriage and equality. Those who are opposed to same sex marriage take on this view. People do not think that a deontological view will solve the is sue of whether same sex marriage is right or wrong. However, people who feelRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Is Not The Law Of The Land1510 Words   |  7 Pagesheterosexual and homosexual marriage; one reason for this is because the frequency of relationships involving same-sex couples in our society is constantly growing. In America, citizens fight for equality every day and homosexual couples fight hard for the same rights as heterosexual couples when it comes to marriage. Should there be equal rights between the two heterosexual and homosexual couples? I believe that citizens of the same sex that are able to wed should not have the same rights as citizensRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1633 Words   |  7 Pagesand it took them more than ten years to find some sort of equality. Women have also faced discrimination for hundreds of years and it took them over fifty years to earn minimal rights. While the issue of homosexuality is relatively new to our country, the fight for rights sta rted almost immediately, and people today are still struggling to earn civil liberties, like same-sex marriage. If some change isn’t made now, their struggle for rights could last even longer than other minorities have enduredRead MoreHomosexuality and Human Rights Essay1383 Words   |  6 Pagesyou know exactly how many of the homosexuals in the world feel about the right to marry. Many homosexuals feel that this right has been kept just out of reach for them, due to others who despise them. These individuals believe that being gay is wrong, immoral and disgusting; but this is definitely not the case. Gay marriage should be allowed in the United States because this decision supports the idea of equal rights, the effectiveness of children with homosexual parents, and this act would do noRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1480 Words   |  6 Pagescommitment† or â€Å"emotional, financial, and psychological bond† between two people (Sullivan 53). Gay activ ists believe that taking away the ability to have a publicly recognized relationship or an accepted union is an infringement of their public equality. However, non-supporters of this cause believe that gay marriage is â€Å"an attack on the institution of marriage† (Capello 25). These dissenting opinions are what make this issue controversial. It is not possible to simplify all aspects of marriage

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