Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of Herbert David Kelleher Co. Air Southwest

On March 15, 1967 Herbert David Kelleher co-founded Air Southwest Co. incorporated. The year of 1971 was a game changer as Lamar Muse joined Air Southwest as President and Air Southwest changed its name to Southwest Co. The mission and vision of Air Southwest during this time was to eliminate unnecessary services and to utilize secondary airports in order to offer the lowest fares in the industry. Fast-forward to 2016 and Herb has stepped down as the chairman for Southwest, the mission however is still the same, dedication to provide the highest level of customer while delivering a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit. Which embodies the values Southwest has exhibited for years and that’s to live the Southwest Way, to have a warrior spirit, a servant’s heart, a fun-LUVing attitude, and to work the Southwest way. In order to ensure a successful merger, Southwest must ensure that the current culture is maintained regarding both organizations and to merge the benefits and compensation plans. Completing such as task will require cultivation of talents and to preserve its business culture. Expanding Southwest Airlines to accommodate AirTran means discussing the strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats regarding the expansion of such a sizable merger. Lastly, a merger of this magnitude will require recruiting and hiring to address the expansion level impact and minimize error. SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis is a calculated planningShow MoreRelatedSouthwest Airline Strategic Audit11701 Words   |  47 PagesEcole supà ©rieure libre des sciences commerciales appliquà ©es (ESLSCA) Strategic Management Paper Southwest Airline Strategic Audit Prepared By : Hesham Gamal El Din El Desouky Mohamed Dandash Wael Youssef Professor : Dr. Saneya El Galaly Group : 21-A Table Of Contents I. 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