Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Homosexual Rights and Equality - 1242 Words

Equality of Homosexual Rights Most American politicians believe that everyone should be treated equally especially because it is stated in the United States Declaration of Independence. Our founding fathers wrote these words to protect all individuals. Those Americans who abide by the rules and who are upstanding citizens have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. However, Americans who are not the typical heterosexual are restricted from their rights even if they are faithful citizens. Gay and lesbian couples are discriminated against and unfairly treated because of their sexual orientation. This discrimination against gay and lesbian couples must be confronted so that those who are trustworthy citizens have†¦show more content†¦Hate crimes against homosexuals have been somewhat noticed by certain important individuals in the government. In the Executive Branch, President Obama signed the Hate Crime Prevention Act into law that protects a person’s identity in respect to their sexual orientation. Even though we are making progress, it is still a serious matter that has to be further addressed. Prejudicial thoughts of homosexuals have to be eradicated and furthermore forgotten to allow the acceptance. Hate crimes against homosexuals are still a serious issue and have led to the discrimination of lesbians and gays in the work force. (Hunt,2012) In the work place, there is an increasing percentage of lesbians and gays suffering from discrimination everyday. Due to their sexual orientation, some individuals are being fired and are receiving negative job evaluations. The Center for American Progress Action Fund states, â€Å"15 percent to 43 percent of gay and transgender workers have experienced some form of discrimination on the job† and â€Å"20 percent reported being harassed verbally or in writing on the job† (Hunt, 2012). The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that is currently waiting for the approval from Congress is trying to provide homosexuals protection against discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation. Since this act hasn’t been made an official law, lesbians and gays are being mistreated for the reason thatShow MoreRelatedEquality for All: Legal Rights for Homosexuals528 Words   |  2 Pagesthe rest of their lives. This leaves many homosexuals out to dry. Why canà ¢â‚¬â„¢t they have the same rights as everyone else in this country? Some of the time many gay couples have a hard time adopting a child because they â€Å"didn’t fit the right criteria to be adoptees†. And granted some couples really don’t meet the specifications: income, living environment, etc, but others do and get rejected due to being gay. Homosexuals deserve the same legal rights as everyone else. Marriage is concludedRead MoreGay Is the New Black in America1258 Words   |  5 PagesAfrican American community. At first glance, I felt how can the two be compared? So, I decided to give this article a read. The purpose of the article was to bring attention to the civil rights movement of today dealing with the homosexual community’s civil rights and how it compares to the historic civil rights movements made by the African American community from 1955-1968. In my mind as an African American, my pride was not allowing me to see the comparison for what it really was. African AmericansRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal909 Words   |  4 Pagesmarriage be legalized nationwide, or should it remain illegal? 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One side of the controversy argues that every individual deserves the same rights, while the opposing mindset argues that beingRead MoreGay Marriage And Equality : An Ethical Issue1289 Words   |  6 PagesGay marriage and equality is an ethical issue that has been debated for years. This is an issue that will continue to be debated until a clear answer as to why it is not socially acceptable is determined. A deontological view has been traditionally applied to the subject of gay marriage and equality. Those who are opposed to same sex marriage take on this view. People do not think that a deontological view will solve the is sue of whether same sex marriage is right or wrong. However, people who feelRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Is Not The Law Of The Land1510 Words   |  7 Pagesheterosexual and homosexual marriage; one reason for this is because the frequency of relationships involving same-sex couples in our society is constantly growing. In America, citizens fight for equality every day and homosexual couples fight hard for the same rights as heterosexual couples when it comes to marriage. Should there be equal rights between the two heterosexual and homosexual couples? I believe that citizens of the same sex that are able to wed should not have the same rights as citizensRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage Essay1633 Words   |  7 Pagesand it took them more than ten years to find some sort of equality. Women have also faced discrimination for hundreds of years and it took them over fifty years to earn minimal rights. While the issue of homosexuality is relatively new to our country, the fight for rights sta rted almost immediately, and people today are still struggling to earn civil liberties, like same-sex marriage. If some change isn’t made now, their struggle for rights could last even longer than other minorities have enduredRead MoreHomosexuality and Human Rights Essay1383 Words   |  6 Pagesyou know exactly how many of the homosexuals in the world feel about the right to marry. Many homosexuals feel that this right has been kept just out of reach for them, due to others who despise them. These individuals believe that being gay is wrong, immoral and disgusting; but this is definitely not the case. Gay marriage should be allowed in the United States because this decision supports the idea of equal rights, the effectiveness of children with homosexual parents, and this act would do noRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1480 Words   |  6 Pagescommitment† or â€Å"emotional, financial, and psychological bond† between two people (Sullivan 53). Gay activ ists believe that taking away the ability to have a publicly recognized relationship or an accepted union is an infringement of their public equality. However, non-supporters of this cause believe that gay marriage is â€Å"an attack on the institution of marriage† (Capello 25). These dissenting opinions are what make this issue controversial. It is not possible to simplify all aspects of marriage

Friday, December 20, 2019

Bringing a Change in Organizational Culture - 2500 Words

Critically explain why changing organisational culture is so difficult and how managers can do it. Culture can be defined as â€Å"a set of basic tacit assumptions about how the world is and ought to be that a group of people share and that determines their perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and, to some degree, their overt behaviour† (Schein, 1996). Organizational culture is depend on differences in norms and shared values which are learned in workplace and to direct behaviour of members in the particular organisation. (Cabrera, Cabreraamp; Barajas 2001) Organisational culture was built on its shared beliefs and values which was the guidance to solve problems. This essay will introduce the definition of organisational culture and explain why†¦show more content†¦However, it is hard to change managers. If managers are not satisfied with their employees, employees can be changed, but managers will not changed unless the company go bankrupt. Thus, the most difficult to change organisational culture is to change the mind of managers. For instance, if managers make no attempt to make progress and milk-toast, it will be the most resistance to change organisational change. For this reason, the best way to change is from up to bottom. At the same time, change the mind and ability of leader is the difficult demand for changing organisational culture. To change organisational culture, managers have lot of things to do it. The role of managers is very important through up down system. As Ott (1989) suggested that the leader can do lots of things included staff selection, socialization, removal of deviating members, cultural communication and role model to guide behaviour. For example, managers can choose employees who will support to change organisational culture. Although it will not change the situation directly, they can be the power push the step of changing organisational culture. In the same way, managers can fire part of staff who opposes to change. It is not only reducing resistance to change organisational culture, but also overawe the opponent to change their minds. Furthermore, managers need to be the role model to change organisational culture. The behaviour of managers can beShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Culture : Organisational Culture Essay729 Words   |  3 PagesOrganizational Culture Defined In accordance with the Business Dictionary, organizational culture (similarly entitled Corporate Culture) is the standards and conducts which subsidize to the distinctive communal and the psychosomatic atmosphere of an establishment. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Harry S. Truman free essay sample

A biography of Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the U.S. A biography of the 33rd President of the United States, Harry S. Truman. The author examines his background, increased involvement in politics in his younger years and his political career later on in life. Harry S. Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884. He was the oldest of the three children of John Anderson and Martha Ellen Truman. The middle initial S. in his name is not an abbreviation, but a reflection of his familys reluctance to choose between his grandfathers names, Shippe and Solomon. His family moved to Independence, Missouri, in 1890, where he had trouble participating in many boyhood activities because of his thick glasses and extreme nearsightedness. Because of this, he became interested in reading and playing the piano. These influenced his career years. His father had financial problems, so he never attended college, and because of his poor eyesight, he could not enroll in the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Harry S. Truman or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page S. Military Academy at West Point.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Comparison of AGL and Lend Lease Company Free Sample for Students

Question: Compare and Contrast the two companies in relation to the Following: A vision or Mission StatementValues of the Organisation Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability Stakeholders mentioned in their Corporate Statements Answer: Introduction AGL is the leading companies in Australia and is also one of the largest ASX listed owner, operator and developer of the renewable generation assets in the country. The power generation portfolio of AGL includes peaking, base and intermediate generation plants as well as the renewable sources that further include wind, solar, biomass and landfill. Lend lease is a company based in Australia that was founded in the year 1958 by Dutch immigrant and innovator Dick Dusseldrop . The headquarter of the company is in Sydney, Australia. It employees more than 12,000 employees internationally. The regional offices of the company are located in New York, London and Singapore. The core capabilities of the company includes constriction, development and investment across the property Mission and Vision Statement The missions statement includes the purpose of the organization, company or person and the reason for its existence. It is a written declaration that includes the purpose of the company and the focus that remains unchanged. Vision Statement The vision of the AGL includes creating energy solutions for the communities of today as well as tomorrow. The company has a vision of being a pioneer City Gas Distribution Company .It is argued by the company that its brand promises the Actions and not the words. The values of the company include: One Team Authentic Delivery Sustainable and Safe Vitality On the other hand, the main vision of Lend Lease is to create better places. The company works very closely with its investors, clients and communities all over Europe, Australia, America and Asia so that it can create unique places(LendLease., 2012). The company believes in creating the places that leaves positive legacy and further helps in enriching the lives of the people. The company puts safety first and hence delivers an efficient and innovative solution that provides long term sustainable developments for the various stakeholders of the company. Mission Environment is a very big concern for everyone and while operating in the environment, the mission of the AGL is committed towards: The satisfaction and delight of the customers Transparency in the policies and processes Good corporate governance Uninteruption in the supply of Gas(AGL, 2014) Adaption of the best operational practices Values Value are core to the organizations and they help the organizations to distinguish from other companies. The values underpin the objectives and policies. The values of AGL works on ethical compass that helps in guiding the people in their behavior and making the decisions along with that it helps in fueling the energy that helps the leaders in thriving their teams. For keeping its values on top of mind AGL believes in promoting a recognition and reward program that is known as Living the Values that has a main attraction of $ 10,000 travel voucher for the employee of the year. While when we look in to the company Lend Lease we would come to know that the values of the company helps in guiding the behavior of the company and underpinning the code of conduct of the company . The company lives in the values of the company in its everyday operations. Corporate social responsibility and Sustainability The corporate social responsibility includes the way in which the business describes its way it takes in to account the social, financial and environmental decisions that further impacts its actions and decisions of the company The meaning of sustainability is remaining focused on the investors, governments and consumers who has the main demand for improving the social and environmental outcomes. Sustainability for AGL means thinking about the various responsibilities of the stakeholders of the company that includes its employees, community, investors and environment. The sustainability strategy of the company helps in managing, identifying and monitoring the material risks that further helps in affecting the ability to protect the long term value of the company. The framework around which the AGL works includes the ongoing reporting that further provides transparent, accurate, timely and responsive account for the commitment and performance along with the opportunities and risks of the company. On contrary to this the sustainability of the company Lend Lease includes the creation of the better places for the people and meeting the needs and demands of the people. While the government and the communities are working hard for seeking the partners that are trusted who helps in enhancing the urban areas that are healthy, efficient and resilient features(Hundloe, 2015). The company has a proud and long history of always giving equal emphasis to the social, economic and environmental outcomes that delivers the places that helps in responding the global forces that shapes the future of the company. The company eliminates the wastes from its business by using the clean energy and creating more clean water along with giving equal respect to the nature(Dainty, 2013). The Lend Lease Company acknowledges the Brunt land definition of sustainability. The company has a belief that the sustainable city is not just the green city, on the other hand the sustainable city is one that is livable , well managed, governed , financially viable and competitive. By creating a good inbuilt environment through the various sustainable objectives helps in increasing the value of the company at regional, local and city levels. This value further helps in enhancing the economic viability of the (Kirsteen, 2009)company(Submission by Lend LeaseToHouse of Representatives Parliamentary Committee Inquiry , 2003). Key stakeholders The stakeholders of the company are the people who have some kind of stake in the company. The Stakeholders of the company can be affected or can affect the actions of the company, policies and objectives. Some of the key stakeholders are the creditors, government, employees, directors, unions, suppliers and the community from which the resources of the business are drawn. The stakeholders of the company are very broad and they have diverse interests. The company engages in constructive and dialogue with the stakeholders so that the company can be responsive to the issues that are very important for the employees, customers, investors and the community(George, 2015). On the other hand the key stakeholders of the Lend Lease Company include its employees, shareholders, its investors and employees(Zaloga, 2013). SMART objectives SMART is an acronym of Specific: Where a specific area is targeted for the improvement Measurable: Indicator for the progress of the company Achievable: which also includes assignable objectives under which that will be doing the work is specified. Realistic: Under this the results that are realistic and can be achieved with in the available resources are specified Timely objectives: Under this the time in which the results can be achieved is specified(Henderson, 2013) The companies often prepare their objectives according to SMART format. The SMART format of the objectives includes various types of objectives like the process objectives, outcome objectives, personal objectives and Impact objectives. The objectives of the AGL limited includes the aspiration of the company for Safety, Health and environment by providing zero harm to the environment and the people in which the company operates. The objectives of the company are achieved by its HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental Management System). The HSE policy objective of AGL includes: Actively demonstrating the commitments towards the sustainable growth that includes the protection of the environment. Providing a safe and healthy workplace and try to eliminate the injuries that are related to the workplace(Annoynomous, 2002) The key objectives as included in the compliance management of the AGL limited are: Developing and fostering a compliance culture within the business. Enabling the design and implementation of the compliance controls Providing accurate and timely review, monitoring and compliance risks Raising the level compliance obligation awareness (Compliance Policy AGL Energy Limited, 2011) While, on the contrary the Company Lend Lease developed a committee who ahs the main motive to enquire in to the various policies and issues that are related to the development of the sustainable cities to the year 2025. At Lend Lease the company works internationally that allows it to bring different alternatives and contexts to the development projects and issues(Cooper, 2012). Believable While going through the history of AGL it has been observed that the company since its creation in 1837 has been one of the oldest companies of Australia(Pieterson, 2002). There were many developments by the company since its creation. It introduced gas purification in Australia. It pioneered the new pioneer pipe technology . It is very well aware of its responsibilities towards the community and the environment. It is taking actions responsibly to reduce the green house emissions(View, 2004) by providing secure and affordable energy to the customers. It is committed to achieving the excellence in the environmental performance and management. It launched the Affordability initiative in December 2014 . The key commitments of the initiative are: Improving the way of working with customers Improve traspreacy and comparability Delivering clear customer choice Providing easy to find assistance Supporting the policies that helps in enhancing competition (AGL, 2015). On the hand when going through the history of Lend Lease Company it can be observed that it ahs won many awards for the excellence of its work. The Queensland Building business of the company has won two awards for the centre of childrens health research(Lend Lease, 2015). Conclusion At last, it can be concluded that both the companies are performing quite well and when a comparison in regard to various thing are made of both the companies, it can be seen that both of them are on almost same platform and have same objectives(Annoynomous, 2008). The Mission and vision statement of both the queries though differs in words but is having same meaning. Both the companies are performing for the sustainable development and are having the corporate social responsibilities that can prove out to be advantageous for them in their future. It can be said that the companies shall work more hard for performing better and delivering great results in the future. AGL has been working hard to uphold the highest standards of transparency and ethical conduct in relation to its political engagement(Grenville, 2002). It is committed to building diverse workforce . As it is believed by the company that by valuing the diversity it can have better engagement and understanding with the cus tomers, employees, communities in which they are carrying their operations. References AGL, 2014. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 4 April 2017]. AGL, 2015. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 April 2017]. Annoynomous, 2002. Jobson's Year Book of Public Companies - Volume 71 - Page 832. Annoynomous, 2008. AGL company and Lend lease. Business Review Weekly, pp.26-29. Compliance Policy AGL Energy Limited, 2011. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 April 2017]. Cooper, W., 2012. Behold a Pale Horse. Dainty, A., 2013. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Construction Industry - Page 263. New York: Springer. George, A., 2015. Energy in Action. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 April 2017]. Grenville, K., 2002. The case against fragnance. The case against fragnance. Henderson, S., 2013. The One Page Financial Plan: Everything You Need to Successfully. Hundloe, T., 2015. The Gold Coast Transformed: From Wilderness to Urban Ecosystem. Kirsteen, K., 2009. International Association for Mission Studies. Mission Studies Journals. Lend Lease, 2015. Lend [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 April 2017]. LendLease., 2012. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 April 2017]. Pieterson, W., 2002. Reinventing Strategy. Submission by Lend LeaseToHouse of Representatives Parliamentary Committee Inquiry , 2003. Sustainable Cities 2025. [Online] Available at: file:///D:/Chargeback/7%20April/ [Accessed 7 April 2017]. View, S., 2004. Business Review Weekly: BRW - Volume 26, Issues 21-24 - Page 8. Zaloga, S., 2013. M7 Priest 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage - Page 48.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Shakespeares Idea Between Time and Love Essays

Shakespeares Idea Between Time and Love Essays Shakespeares Idea Between Time and Love Essay Shakespeares Idea Between Time and Love Essay Thesis In Shakespeare’s sonnets, he discusses the conflicts that men have with time, such as time with human being’s body and time with the mind. Although time withers the body and eventually takes away the mind, however, Shakespeare writes that time cannot defeat love, especially when love is written by poems. I. Analysis of Sonnet 18 A. Interpretation of Sonnet 18 B. Discussion of the underlying meaning of time and love II. Analysis of Sonnet 19 A. Paraphrase of Sonnet 19 B. Denotation of the message of love with the comparison of Sonnet 18 III. Analysis of Sonnet 73 A. Summary of Sonnet 73 B. Discussion of the relationship between time and love of this sonnet IV. Analysis of Sonnet 116 A. Summary of Sonnet 116 B. Investigation of the connection of time and love with the comparison of Sonnet 18 V. Conclusion A. Restatement of the key points of the above sonnets B. conclusion Shakespeare’s idea about the relationship between time and love -with the analysis of Sonnet 18, Sonnet 19, Sonnet 73 and Sonnet 116 In Shakespeare’s sonnets, he discusses the conflicts that men have with time, such as time with human being’s body and time with the mind. Throughout his sonnets, especially Sonnet 18, Sonnet 19, Sonnet 73 and Sonnet 116, Shakespeare talks of love and time which expresses his ideas the powers of beauty, time, and love and how each interacts with the other. He examines the relationship between love and time. In several lines he leads the reader to believe that when written and recorded, love can be remembered throughout time. In Sonnet 18, Shakespeare raises a proposal- â€Å"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? † at the beginning. Then he argues that â€Å"you† are more lovely and beautiful than a summer’s day. Although the wind blowing on the flower buds of May can be felt, still the summer just doesn’t last long enough for the sun dims and sometimes goes away by chance or simply by nature’s doing. After the word â€Å"but† in Line 9, the poem shifts to another statement- as long as â€Å"your† beauty is recorded by this sonnet, â€Å"your† beauty will live forever with the eternity of poetry. In this sonnet, Shakespeare argues that his love for his beloved, whether it’s for a â€Å"fair young man† or a beautiful lady, will never die for it is remained forever in his poem. So does his love. Thus, time cannot take the beauty and the love away. Sonnet 19, which is similar to Sonnet 18, also boasts of the speaker’s writing talent. In this sonnet, the speaker is addressing â€Å"Time† instead of addressing â€Å"You† in Sonnet 18. In the first quatrain, the speaker begins his direct engagement with Time in a battle of wills. He blames Time, saying go ahead and makes the lion’s paws dull and useless with age, let the tiger’s sharp teeth fall out, and let the phoenix die. In the second quatrain, the speaker challenges Time to create happy seasons and sad seasons as he hurries by. The speaker even encourages Time to go ahead and do whatever it wants to whole world. But the speaker forbids Time to touch one particular entity, and he says it with vehemence: â€Å"But I forbid thee one most heinous crime. † In the third quatrain, he commands Time not furrow the brow of his love: â€Å"O! carve not with thy hours my love’s fair brow. Nor draw no lines there with thine antique pen. † In the couplet, the speaker appears to do an about-face. He says, on the other hand, go ahead â€Å"old Time,† do your best to destroy this love, this talent of mine. And even though you try your hardest, â€Å"My love shall in my verse ever live young. † His love, which is in his art, is untouchable by time. Again, in this sonnet, Shakespeare restates his idea between time and love. Although time can take away people’s youth or fades everything, it cannot take away my love as long as it is written in my poem. Sonnet 73 is a poem that emphasizes the strength of love by describing his aging process by the use of three metaphors: a tree, a day and a fire. In the first quatrain, the speaker addresses a beloved, remarking that she may see that he is aging. He compares his body to a tree losing its leaves: â€Å"yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang. † His hair is thinning, and the few strands he has left are turning gray with age. The gray hair that once was brown is just like the yellow leaves that once were green. Even his poetry is becoming â€Å"are ruin’d choirs,† it used to be filled with beautiful expression akin to the songs of â€Å"sweet birds. † After comparing his aging to a tree in late autumn, he then compares the aging process to a day, and the time when the sun â€Å"fadeth in the west†, he is in the â€Å"twilight of that day†. He will not be able to rest after black night has stolen his life. In the third quatrain, the speaker again introduces a new metaphor: this time he compares his ebbing life to a fire that â€Å"on the ashes of his youth doth lie. † His youth once burned brightly, but now his flame is dwindling, and the very things that fed his youth’s flame are being consumed by the low-burning fire of old age. Nevertheless, his beloved still offers him love and that love is even stronger for they know there is not much time left so they have to cherish and love each other even more. In this sonnet, Shakespeare states that love can be much stronger despite the time. Even though the two lovers are growing old, their love for each other is never growing old. On the contrary, time even makes their love stronger and more beautiful. To Shakespeare, love is not only forgiving faults but also invincible in the face of any storm. Whether it is hostility in the marriage or the death of one of the individuals in the marriage, love will continue to persevere between the two involved. This can be best exemplified in Sonnet 116. In Sonnet 116, the first quatrain depicts true love as everlasting and how marriage is a bond that will keep two souls together and never apart. The second quatrain, talks about love as uncontrollable and it guides and goes through with us along our way in life. Love is described as boundless and something that cannot be contained. Furthermore the quatrain also states true love as an intense force that we cannot predict. Finally, the third quatrain describes the amount of time love lasts and that true love is not and cannot be affected by time: â€Å"Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks†. The couplet argues that if the vision of love that has been so accurately depicted is incorrect, â€Å"I never writ and no man ever loved†. Both Sonnet 116 and Sonnet 18 share the similar idea that true love is eternal. Sonnet 18’s main theme is the power of the speaker’s poem to defy time and his love lasts forever in poetry. Sonnet 116 presents the extreme ideal of romantic love; it never changes, it never fades, it survives death and admits no flaw. Another similarity is the structure of the two sonnets. Both of them state the main idea in the couplet. From the analysis of the above four sonnets, it can be told that Shakespeare thinks that love will not fade throughout time and it can live forever in the form of poetry. In Sonnet 18 and Sonnet 19, he states that his beloved’s beauty and his love can live in eternity in his poem. In Sonnet 73, he argues that love can be stronger throughout time. In Sonnet 116, Shakespeare states that love is invincible in the face of difficulty or even death. To sum up, Shakespeare’s idea between time and love is that though time withers the body and eventually takes away the mind, however, he thinks that time cannot defeat love, especially when love is written by poems.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Addiction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Addiction - Essay Example For example, I have a cousin who is interested in knowing and trying drugs in order to understand what addiction means. He is a teacher who takes his students to know all about addiction. I am rigorously opposed to this view and my claim is that people do not have to understand what addiction means; they have to understand what it is going to happen if any kind of addiction becomes part of their lives. Two of the most essential readings on the topic of addiction are â€Å"The 10 Most Important Things Known about Addiction† by Doug Sellman and â€Å"Injecting Rooms Benefit All, Not Just Drug Users† by Robert Power. This paper makes a reflective summary of these two articles in order to bring out the major arguments of these authors about addiction and its consequences. One of the most fundamental articles on the question of addiction, Doug Sellman’s â€Å"The 10 Most Important Things Known about Addiction† offers a list of ten important things or facts abou t addiction. These ten essential facts about addiction have emerged over the last three or four decades and an understanding of these important things will fundamentally help the people in addiction treatment as well as general public. Bringing together a body of knowledge across multiple domains,